Oct 16, 2018
This week we narrated and discussed folktales from South Africa! Like last time, we read tales directly from one book. This one was "South-African Folk-Tales", which is by James A. Honey and was published in 1910. The book is freely available on Project Gutenburg: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/38339/38339-h/38339-h.htm
We read 3 stories from this book; "Crocodile's Treason", "The Monkey's Fiddle" and "The Story of a Dam". Here are some illustrations and stuff:
"Crocodile's Treason"
Found here: http://mpalalive.org/field_guide/nile_crocodile
"The Monkey's Fiddle"
Found here: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/15170/15170-h/15170-h.htm#fiddle
"The Story of a Dam"
Found here: http://www.animalplanet.com/wild-animals/jackal/
The knobkirrie mentioned in the story is essentially a large stick with a knob on the end. It's used as a weapon in times of conflict and as a walking stick in times of peace. Here's a pic:
Found here: https://www.africancraftsmarket.com/products/zulu-shields/african-zulu-knob-kerrie.html
If you have any personal stories about creatures, monsters, or
cryptids (even if you don't know what it was), please email us at
stories@folkloreontherocks.com so we can eventually do a listener
episode! Visit us at folkloreontherocks.com for more in depth
notes, links, and pictures.
Once we hit 100 iTunes reviews, we'll release a bonus episode with
a listener selected creature! Please rate and review us when you
have a moment, as it will help us immensely!
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Keywords: podcast, podcast, podcasting, folklore, cryptid, cryptids, creature, creatures, monster, monsters, cocktail, cocktails, whiskey, booze, alcohol, drink, education, learning, scary, spooky, creepy, funny, comedy, streaming, audio, listen, lore, legends, mythology, culture, worldwide, world, interesting, informative